
Proactive Strategies Workshop

Good support is so much more than reacting to crisis. Sound program development driven by person centred planning is required to achieve positive behavioural outcomes that are durable overtime. The workshop is based and has built upon the ‘Institute of Applied Behaviour Analysis’ (IABA) ‘Non-aversive Analysis and Treatment of Severe Challenging Behaviour’.

Attendees will learn a repertoire of proactive behavioural techniques and strategies that are helpful in developing person centred support plans that are not only effective in decreasing the frequency, intensity and severity of challenging behaviour, but also ‘feel right’ for the client and staff implementing them.

Reactive Strategies Workshop

This workshop is designed to assist frontline Human Service Support Workers, Carers, Families; and others involved in supporting clients who exhibit aggressive and/or assaultive behaviours. The workshop is based and has built upon the ‘Institute of Applied Behaviour Analysis’ (IABA) ‘Emergency Management Guidelines’.

Attendees will learn a varied repertoire of culturally safe, clinically valid, and non-aversive emergency management strategies proven to be effective in assisting the de-escalation of aggressive and/or assaultive clients.

This workshop will provide an overview of proactive and crisis response techniques with a focus on client and staff safety.

Behavioural Screening report

The behavioural screening process involves assessment staff undertaking a series of observations of the client and mediators across environs (home, school, community etc.) in order to gain a better understanding of the interactions between the client and their environment.

The inferences drawn from the screening process will underpin the report’s subsequent recommendations which will include a comprehensive range of pro-active and reactive intervention strategies that can assist the client and his/her supporters in addressing behaviours of concern.

The screening process includes the writer facilitating an intervention planning meeting with all stakeholders in order to develop an individualised support and management plan for the client that is driven by the report’s recommendations

Comprehensive Behavioural Assessment

This assessment and support plan effectively addresses an individual’s behavioural challenges and identifies the conditions under which the behaviour occurs, and the function/s that the behaviour serves for the individual (functional analysis). It also addresses the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals formal and informal support systems (mediator analysis) and many other factors.

Developing behavioural support strategies that are not driven by a comprehensive behavioural assessment often do little to address the underlying function/s of the problem behaviour, therefore less likely to achieve durable behaviour change overtime and can result in negative side effects.

The behaviour assessment also demonstrates the resources and opportunity that an individual and their family or community can use to improve the behavioural responses of individuals.